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Master System Integration

Evolution through effective strategies and excellence in execution.

Enterprises find it challenging to manage their physical security, while constantly maintaining and automating their digital transformation needs. 

Business Challenges

Securing & automating large enterprises

Integration of IAM subsystems

Siloed data

Security concerns

Implementation of Enterprise policies

Enhanced User Experience


Fidrox knows that one-size does not fit all when it comes to systems integration. We work as a partner with clients to leverage existing technology investments and bridge them together for maximum efficiency and accuracy. 

Fidrox is powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives through which it enables its clients to transition to a digital enterprise by leveraging Cloud, Analytics, Digital, Infrastructure, and Security paradigms.

Unified, single window interface for Implementation of large IAM integrations

Helps businesses align their software and hardware into a consolidated environment

Stitch up solutions together that combine niche products and solution offerings available by fixing the gaps within your IAM environment.

Consulting, solution blue printing, providing solutions, product evaluation, recommendation, POC and OEM, implementation partners, support and more


Simplified workflows
Boost Efficiency
Streamline IAM processes
Reduced errors and manual interventions
Increased Agility

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