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Cafeteria Management Solution

Who can't remember a delicious meal or a great cup of coffee?

Enterprises need to realise that food directly affects the way visitors and employees feel about them. 

Stand out as an employer:  

Today’s knowledge workers have high expectations when it comes to food in the workplace. Tasty and healthy food prepared with care and expertly served, can excite your people and inspire greater loyalty to your business,  making your workplace attractive to new talent. 

Maintaining high productivity:

Tasty, quality food plays a significant role in keeping your employees focused on the job, helping to increase uptime, productivity, reduce the risk of employee error, health hazards, and sick leaves.  

Fidrox Cafeteria Management automates your cafeteria operations and allows you to relax, re-energize, socialize and boost productivity by reducing the time spent elsewhere acquiring food. 

Customized Solutions:

Our solutions aim to deliver customer experience that are backed by consumer surveys 

Fidrox Cafeteria Management solutions automate the entire cafeteria operations including meal order processing, billing & payment, food waste monitoring, inventory management and more, seamlessly. Digital signage for menu displays, chef’s kiosks, self-service ordering kiosks, POS systems, and smart mobile app eliminates long queues ensuring seamless catering operations. 

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